Events in July

LandArt-Festival 30 June to 13 August 2017

Save the dates!

In the course of the upcoming LandArt-Festival there are a number of opportunities to come across the studio’s works and meet the artist in person.

1. Arts Exhibition 1 + 2 July

On the weekend when the festival starts there will be an arts and crafts exhibition at the open air theatre „Kahle Wart“ not far from Lübbecke. The exhibti will showcase a number of regional artists and their works.
The exhibition is open on
Saturday 1 July from 3pm to 8pm
Sunday 2 July from 12 noon to 5:30pm

The Fork and Broom Press can be found in what is called „Vereinsheim“

2. Bicycle tour on Sunday 9 July

There will be a bicycle tour a number of stations on LandArt-Route including a visit to The Fork and Broom Press which has become station No 5.16. Bookings are taken by tourist guide Luise Lahrmann (via

3. Arts & Crafts in Claudia’s Garden 16 July

The Fork and Broom Press will put up a stand in Claudia Hassebrock’s garden on her open day between 10am and 6pm. The venue is in the village Oppenwehe.


4. Open Studio 29 + 30 July

There will be an Open Studio at The Fork and Broom Press on the last weekend in July.
We’ll be open on the Saturday from 10am tp 7pm and on the Sunday from 11am to 6pm. The artist and her presses will be working – more in detail to follow soonish. Watch this space.

The festival comes with a great many events according to the motto „Wind Spurs Us On“. The events include exhibitions, open studios, theatre plays, music events, literature, arts&crafts shows, events in museums and windmills, guided tours and open gardens.

There is a program leaflet availabe at all tourist info places around Mühlenkreis Minden-Lübbecke and in many other places including town halls, shops and studios. Add to this, the programm is to be found on the internet at