Our time travel draws to an end, we have arrived at our destination: the here & now, the year 2024. Many a situation cannot be pinned to one particular year anymore. In the early days master lithographer and colleague Hans Ulrich passed on a type case to me containing Garamond. It had been saved from a place that had been …
So far „Giving Diversity a Home!“ was a motto. From now it will become a whole series of art work and thus, at long last, throw the bridge between me being both a printmaking artist and a biologist. We have set up our own garden here from scratch on a half hectar plot that has been a meadow for decades, …
In April Sabine comes to stay as a journey-woman for letterpress. It is her second placement and she will stay for a whole week. As for her project, she has planned a concertina brochure. As of 2019 the studio is on the list of places where young people can go to spend some of their journeman-time working with metal type …
In early February the temperature all of a sudden plummets to minus 17 Celsius, totally out of character for the region where we live. The strong gusts sweep the snow off the roofs and pile it on top of what is on the ground already. We are snowed in. For one or two days there is hardly any traffic on …
A long time ago, when machines did not yet exist, all things were handmade: pots, shoes, furniture, books, tools. All this was made by hand, manu-factured in the true sense of the word, there was no other way. If all those things were to be made to do the job, they were supposed to do, properly, these things needed to …
For March the Oxford Fine Press Book Fair is scheduled. A table at the fair is booked, equally so are flight and accomodation. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, British Airlines canceles the flight early on, and as a result I have to pull out of the fair entirely. I am lucky in that this happens early enough so …
There is a basic difference in the nature of the artist‘s book and the product of a publishing house. The product of the publisher will present a text, there might be an introduction, a commentary, a preface, an epilogue. The artist‘s book differs from that fundamentally. It is born from an idea. This is the seed from which the concept …
On 15 March we celebrate „Printmakers‘ Day“ for the first time, an effort of the BBK. It is the day traditional printmaking techniques became cultural heritage in 2018. From now every year studios and workplaces will offer all sorts of events ranging from exhibitions to workshops on this particular day. There is an interactive map on the BBK website and …
In spring we head for the Cotswolds again. At the Oxford Fine Press Bookfair I present the new artist‘s book: Issue No. 4 in the series „Manarah“. I am delighted that this work quickly wins the award of the Oxford Guild of Printers. As like all issues in the Manarah-series, there is only one theme. Issue 4 has a wind …
The heating was the last to be fitted before the break over the Christmas-New Year period, and is now working well in the bindery and in the printroom. In the latter paint still is drying on the walls and on the floor. And on 19 January the first heavy weight is moving in: the KORREX Hannover. Next is the Grafix …