The Studio in 2016

On the first Sunday of the year we make our way through the snow and sleet on icy roads to a village some 120 kilometres away. An old farm is for sale in Oppenwehe and we decide to have a first look from outside. A few days later we have an appointment for a proper visit and then things increase …

Manarah 5: Quod tibi hoc alteri

This artist‘s book takes us on a time travel. It is about how we think about humaneness and how we handle it in real. The journey starts 35.000 years ago, when the first genuine humans, of the species Homo sapiens, are found to live in Europe. These are called Cro-Magnon people, and it is them, who painted those awesome pictures …

Manarah 1: A Divan of War

„Manarah“ is a term of Arabic origin. It means lighthouse or signpost. I have chosen this term for my series of magazine-like artist’s books. Each issue or volume in this series is meant to be a place shedding light in the sense that it offers orientation. Each issue covers one topic. The topic of issue No 1 is „War“. It …

Shakespeare Sonnet 89

William Shakespeare died on April 23rd in 1616. By then, besides his plays, he had written 154 sonnets. In 2016, 400 years after his death, the Centre for the Study of the Book at the Bodleian Library in Oxford called printmakers worldwide to print all of Shakespeare’s sonnets afresh. I consider myself lucky that I was given the opportunity to …