On 15 March 2018 traditional printing techniques have been awarded cultural heritage status by UNESCO. One year on many printmaking artists and printing studios open their doors and offer a wealth of opportunities to look and feel and make experiences with all sorts of printing techniques. Here at The Fork and Broom Press studio visitors will be able to have …
„Posito … Gesammelte Makulaturen“ (Posito … Collected Spoils) is a new series of artist’s books created from prints made back in 2010. Then I was into making the artist’s book about Kurt Tucholsky „Mir fehlt ein Wort“ (I’m in Lack of a Word). During the time of researching, reading and printing I had the idea of writing a number of …
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was an US-American author and one of the so-called „Fireside Poets“ located in New England. They were very popular writers in their time with people tending to read them by the fireside, hence the name of the group. The writers were, apart from Longfellow, William Cullen Bryant, John Greenleaf Whittier, James Russel Lowell and Oliver Wendell Holmes …
Manarah is an old Arabic word for ‘lighthouse’, a place of light to help those on a voyage find their way. Later the word developed into ‘minaret’ – which is the tower of a mosque. I found out about this a few years ago whilst doing research on this topic. The Swiss populace had just voted not to allow the …