Schmaubuch Nummer 2 was designed and printed on the occasion of the studio‘s silver jubilee. The book is a collection of recipes and a samplebook of fonts. All text is handset from metal and wood type. The sheets are printed on a manual proofpress. As with the first Schmausbuch, published in 2002, the paper used is Zerkall Ingres deckled edge …
„Giving Diversity a Home!“ is the motto of a new series of small-size books and prints published in limited editions. All are printed letterpress with original prints e. g. linocuts. Every book title is a portrait of one species of either plant or animal, and aimes to help establish a „forever home“ for the respective species in our gardens. Some …
„Giving Diversity a Home!“ is the motto of a new series of small-size books and prints published in limited editions. All are printed letterpress with original prints e. g. linocuts. Every book title is a portrait of one species of either plant or animal, and aimes to help establish a „forever home“ for the respective species in our gardens. Some …
This artist‘s book takes us on a time travel. It is about how we think about humaneness and how we handle it in real. The journey starts 35.000 years ago, when the first genuine humans, of the species Homo sapiens, are found to live in Europe. These are called Cro-Magnon people, and it is them, who painted those awesome pictures …
„Giving Diversity a Home!“ is the motto of a new series of small-size books and prints published in limited editions. All are printed letterpress with original prints e. g. linocuts. Every book title is a portrait of one species of either plant or animal, and aimes to help establish a „forever home“ for the respective species in our gardens. Some …
Nichts bleibt wie es war (Nothing remains as it has been) Artist‘s BookSize: approx. 55x40cmPaper: antique wove for the text, Hahnemühle printmaking board 150 gsm for illustrationsText: handset from metal typePrinting: letterpress on manual cylinder proof pressIllustrations: 11 linocuts, printed from 1 to 4 blocksBinding: Japanese style binding with inner and outer binding, book clothEdition: 3 signed and numbered copies …
Reading List accompanying the artist’s book “nichts bleibt wie es war” (nothing remains as it has been) Mark Antliff, Patricia Leighten (Ed.): A Cubism Reader. The University of Chicago Press London, 2008 The Art Book – Dorling Kindersley Ltd. London, 2017 Paul Atkinson: Henri Bergson And Visual Culture. Bloomsbury Academic, 2021 Henri Bergson: Zeit und Freiheit. Felix Meiner Verlag, Hamburg, …
The story of goddess Mutanda tells of the wish for an eternal reign, the fear of change and the power of life that will never run dry. The text ist equally inspired by ancient myths and current developments. The story is part of the new artist‘s book „nichts bleibt wie es war“ (nothing remains as it has been) and has …
Wind is an almost constant force in the place we moved to in 2016. Sometimes it is just a soft breeze, sometimes it is gale force gusts. It will blow roses and hyrangeas and young climbinf beans to pieces at times and make rain drift past the windows almost horizontally. It will make itself heard when howling around the corners of the old brick farmhouse. During …
This book is meant to come as a homage to William Wordsworth 250 years after the great poet was born. Three of his sonnets have been chosen: VIII, XXIV and XXVI. They all refer to nature and what we can learn from it, providing we are open to listen to what it has to say. The book comes with a …