A Tour of the Jubilee-Exhibition

The jubilee exhibition “25 Years of Printmaking” has been open from 21 to 23 June. Articles were in both our regional newspapers, and the newspaper in the former location of the studio, in the region of Göppingen, printed an article about what has become of good old studio bleiklötzle after it has moved north and got renamed to what is …

The Studio in 2023

So far „Giving Diversity a Home!“ was a motto. From now it will become a whole series of art work and thus, at long last, throw the bridge between me being both a printmaking artist and a biologist. We have set up our own garden here from scratch on a half hectar plot that has been a meadow for decades, …

The Studio in 2022

In April Sabine comes to stay as a journey-woman for letterpress. It is her second placement and she will stay for a whole week. As for her project, she has planned a concertina brochure. As of 2019 the studio is on the list of places where young people can go to spend some of their journeman-time working with metal type …

The Studio in 2019

On 15 March we celebrate „Printmakers‘ Day“ for the first time, an effort of the BBK. It is the day traditional printmaking techniques became cultural heritage in 2018. From now every year studios and workplaces will offer all sorts of events ranging from exhibitions to workshops on this particular day. There is an interactive map on the BBK website and …

The Studio in 2017

The heating was the last to be fitted before the break over the Christmas-New Year period, and is now working well in the bindery and in the printroom. In the latter paint still is drying on the walls and on the floor. And on 19 January the first heavy weight is moving in: the KORREX Hannover. Next is the Grafix …

Open Studio 29 + 30 July

  Offenes Atelier im LandArt-Festival: Samstag, 29. Juli von 10 bis 19 Uhr Sonntag, 30. Juli von 11 bis 18 Uhr Das Extra zum LandArt-Festival: Drachen drucken auf der handbetriebenen Buchdruckpresse An diesen beiden Tagen dürfen sich Besucher, so sie mögen, selbst an der Druckpresse versuchen. Einmal selbst das Handrad bedienen: fühlen, wie der Druckzylinder über den Druckstock rollt, dem Leinölduft der Druckfarbe ganz nahe …