A Tour of the Jubilee-Exhibition

The jubilee exhibition “25 Years of Printmaking” has been open from 21 to 23 June. Articles were in both our regional newspapers, and the newspaper in the former location of the studio, in the region of Göppingen, printed an article about what has become of good old studio bleiklötzle after it has moved north and got renamed to what is …

The Studio in 2024

Our time travel draws to an end, we have arrived at our destination: the here & now, the year 2024. Many a situation cannot be pinned to one particular year anymore. In the early days master lithographer and colleague Hans Ulrich passed on a type case to me containing Garamond. It had been saved from a place that had been …

Inseparable: Implementation and Content in the Artist‘s Book

There is a basic difference in the nature of the artist‘s book and the product of a publishing house. The product of the publisher will present a text, there might be an introduction, a commentary, a preface, an epilogue. The artist‘s book differs from that fundamentally. It is born from an idea. This is the seed from which the concept …

25 Years of Printmaking: the Exhibition

The barn next to the printmaking studio in Oppenwehe will turn itself into this bespoke gallery space again and art work from the past 25 years of printmaking will be on show: woodcuts, linoprints, broadsheets and artist‘s books. The historic printing press will be ready for printing and all visitors can have a go at inking and printing, getting a …

The Studio in 2009

Every other year in January Norddeutsche Handpressenmesse, a well established book arts fair, is held over one weekend. It is organized by Heinz-Stefan and Wiebke Bartkowiak, who also publish Bartkowiaks ForumBookArt, a review and yearbook of contemporary book arts. This is my first year as an exhibitor at the fair which is held at the Museum der Arbeit with its …

9. Biennale Buchkunst Weimar

Save the date! 9. Biennale Buchkunst Weimar will be held from 6-8 December 2024 in Seminargebäude in Congresscentrum Neue Weimarhalle in Weimar Good old Shakespeare will be in wraps again (because it is winter), but all the lovely books and prints will be on show! And The Fork and Broom Press will have its new art work on the table. …

Start-of-the-Season at Eilhausen King’s Mill

After hibernation the windmill will be open to the public for the first time in 2023 on 23 April. There will be guided tours around the mill and the surrounding historic buildings with live-music and an arts&crafts exhibition. Meals and beverages will be available. The Fork and Broom Press will be there with an interesting selection of works. Save the …

LandArt-Culture Weeks 2023: along LandArt-Route 5

„Culture Weeks“ are returning to LandArt-Route 5 for the second time after in 2019 having coincided with my studio‘s 20th anniversary when we had readings in our lovely old barn. This year the event will be from 1 to 16 July giving artists and arts&crafts workshops opportunity to showcase their works, offer workshops or house events like poetry slams, readings …