You can now find a digitized version of the original linoprint for the millprint challenge below for download. This is to give all those of you, who could not come to pull their personal print during the Wayzgoose, the opportunity to take part and create their own contribution. This need not be a digital version, the file will allow to …
The task:Pull a print from a linoblock on a 70 year old proof press and hand colour it afterwards:Ink the block in black with a handroller and then print it. Take the print home, let it dry and complete the print by adding colour using watercolour, gouache, acrylic, coloured ink, pastels, chalk – whatever you prefer, have at hand or feel …
Wayzgoose with pop-up gallery in the old barnThursday 25 to Saturday 27 August open 3pm to 7pmSunday 28 August open 11am to 4pm There will be the Fork-and-Broom-Mill-Print-Challenge open to all on all four days during opening hours. Find more about this in the respective post in the category “Printmaker’s Day”
There is a new member of staff at The Fork and Broom Press that needs to be given a proper welcome: a 70 year old printing press built at famous Simmel factory in Pforzheim, where all the KORREX proof presses were produced. It was sitting in the former printroom at a school in the town I used to live as …