European Days of Arts & Crafts 2025

The European Days of Arts & Cratfs are a yearly event and this year they will be held from 4 – 6 April. The Fork and Broom Press will be open both on Saturday and Sunday from 11am to 6pm showcasing the whole range of artist’s books and prints.   The Fork and Broom Press Oppenweher Straße 9 32351 Stemwede-Oppenwehe …

A Tour of the Jubilee-Exhibition

The jubilee exhibition “25 Years of Printmaking” has been open from 21 to 23 June. Articles were in both our regional newspapers, and the newspaper in the former location of the studio, in the region of Göppingen, printed an article about what has become of good old studio bleiklötzle after it has moved north and got renamed to what is …

The Studio in 2024

Our time travel draws to an end, we have arrived at our destination: the here & now, the year 2024. Many a situation cannot be pinned to one particular year anymore. In the early days master lithographer and colleague Hans Ulrich passed on a type case to me containing Garamond. It had been saved from a place that had been …

Manarah 4: Wind

Wind is an almost constant force in the place we moved to in 2016. Sometimes it is just a soft breeze, sometimes it is gale force gusts. It will blow roses and hyrangeas and young climbinf beans to pieces at times and make rain drift past the windows almost horizontally. It will make itself heard when howling around the corners of the old brick farmhouse. During …

Manarah 1: A Divan of War

„Manarah“ is a term of Arabic origin. It means lighthouse or signpost. I have chosen this term for my series of magazine-like artist’s books. Each issue or volume in this series is meant to be a place shedding light in the sense that it offers orientation. Each issue covers one topic. The topic of issue No 1 is „War“. It …

Manarah 2: A Divan of Time

„Manarah“ is a term of Arabic origin. It means lighthouse or signpost. I have chosen this term for my series of magazine-like artist’s books. Each issue or volume in this series is meant to be a place shedding light in the sense that it offers orientation. Each issue covers one topic. The topic of issue 2 is „Time“. The nine …

Manarah 3: A Divan of Love

„Manarah“ is a term of Arabic origin. It means lighthouse or signpost. I have chosen this term for my series of magazine-like artist’s books. Each issue or volume in this series is meant to be a place shedding light in the sense that it offers orientation. Each issue covers one topic. Issue 3 is all about Love. It comes with …

Manarah: The first three issues

Manarah is an old Arabic word for ‘lighthouse’, a place of light to help those on a voyage find their way. Later the word developed into ‘minaret’ – which is the tower of a mosque. I found out about this a few years ago whilst doing research on this topic. The Swiss populace had just voted not to allow the …


Rainer Maria Rilke was  born in Prague in 1875. He traveled a  lot throughout Europe and settled in Switzerland, where he died in 1926 of Leukemia. He’s been writing in German both novels and poems. His language is powerful and he is perceived as mystical. He met Leo Tolstoi, Paula Modersohn-Becker and was married to the sculptor Clara Westhoff. I printed …