The jubilee exhibition “25 Years of Printmaking” has been open from 21 to 23 June. Articles were in both our regional newspapers, and the newspaper in the former location of the studio, in the region of Göppingen, printed an article about what has become of good old studio bleiklötzle after it has moved north and got renamed to what is …
Our time travel draws to an end, we have arrived at our destination: the here & now, the year 2024. Many a situation cannot be pinned to one particular year anymore. In the early days master lithographer and colleague Hans Ulrich passed on a type case to me containing Garamond. It had been saved from a place that had been …
On 15 March we celebrate „Printmakers‘ Day“ for the first time, an effort of the BBK. It is the day traditional printmaking techniques became cultural heritage in 2018. From now every year studios and workplaces will offer all sorts of events ranging from exhibitions to workshops on this particular day. There is an interactive map on the BBK website and …
The heating was the last to be fitted before the break over the Christmas-New Year period, and is now working well in the bindery and in the printroom. In the latter paint still is drying on the walls and on the floor. And on 19 January the first heavy weight is moving in: the KORREX Hannover. Next is the Grafix …
A property is found and in January we start packing, official documents are being worked upon. All of a sudden the other party in this transaction changes their mind, and they do not want to sell their house any longer. Since we have already terminated the lease for our rented flat, we need to improvise. I open up all packed …
Save the date! 9. Biennale Buchkunst Weimar will be held from 6-8 December 2024 in Seminargebäude in Congresscentrum Neue Weimarhalle in Weimar Good old Shakespeare will be in wraps again (because it is winter), but all the lovely books and prints will be on show! And The Fork and Broom Press will have its new art work on the table. …
Every other year we meet for the lovely fair in the city of Weimar. This year’s date is 26 til 28 November 2021at Seminarbegäude in Congresscentrum Neue WeimarhalleUnesco-Platz 199423 Weimar Opening hours:Saturday 10am to 7pmSunday 10am to 5pm Due to the ongoing pandemic situation some regulations must be operational during the fair:Admission only for people who are either vaccinated or …
Paul Klee was 42 years of age when he took up teaching at bauhaus in Weimar. His „Pedagogic Sktechbook“ was first published in 1925 by Walter Gropius and Laszlo Moholy-Nagy as volume 2 of the series „bauhausbücher“. From this book Paul Klee’s notion of the arrow ist quoted and made the theme of this artist’s book. The ideas of Klee’s …
„I cannot recall just how and when we first met. It must have been during the 1980s, when I was a student at university and he had been dead for almost fifty years.“ This is the opening passage of an article I wrote for issue 32 of „Matrix – A Review for Printers and Bibliophiles“. It was published in 2014, …