On Strawboard and Spiderglassine

Paper is an ever so versatile material. Basically it is made from plant fibre. In Europe we can use linen, hemp, stinging nettles and cellulose from wood chips. Even asparagus peel and straw can be made into paper. Elsewhere on this planet other plants will be chosen. The underlying principle is the same: while taken from the mould the fibres …

The Studio in 2004

In February the studio starts moving. At the time we thought it to be the Big Move, obviously not knowing that in 2016 moving would be on a much bigger scale. We consider ourselves lucky in that the company that had produced the KORREX printing press, Simmel in Pforzheim, got us in touch with a former member of staff. He …

9. Biennale Buchkunst Weimar

Save the date! 9. Biennale Buchkunst Weimar will be held from 6-8 December 2024 in Seminargebäude in Congresscentrum Neue Weimarhalle in Weimar Good old Shakespeare will be in wraps again (because it is winter), but all the lovely books and prints will be on show! And The Fork and Broom Press will have its new art work on the table. …

Mind the gap, and welcome to the journey!

In the years of my childhood and youth I just loved trains. When I was little we lived in Aachen and I insisted to go and see the steam trains. On Sundays we‘d head for the station and watch the powerful locomotives do their work, reversing out – it was a terminal station. When I was 5, I asked Santa …

25 Years of Printmaking

I have been working in my own printmaking studio for 25 years now, and this is a pretty good reason to celebrate. You are cordially invited to timetravel with me, to join in on the journey from the very first days in my studio to the here and now. There‘ll be stories of type hunting, experiences with learning by doing …

Podcast „Craft meets Culture“

„Crafts meets Culture“ is a joined projekt of the districts of Herford and Minden-Lübbecke – sponsored by Northrhine-Westphalia. Cultural coordinators currently are Niklas Bengtsson (for Herford) and Daniela Daus (für Minden-Lübbecke). Contributions and details can be found on the respective website at: https://www.muehlenkreis.de/Kultur-Projekte/HANDWERK-TRIFFT-KULTUR/?&La=1 One main topic within this project currently is why and how joung people take up old crafts. …

Journeywoman Almuth at The Fork and Broom Press

Almuth Koch has been staying as a journey woman for a stretch of two weeks. It was the third placement on her journey. The idea was to produce a series of small pamphlet stitch brochures each coming with one poem and a linocut. All would be the same size but the pages inside woud be different kinds of foldings, and …

Printmaker’s Day 2023

At The Fork and Broom Press there will be two events related to Printmaker‘s Day this year. We‘ll have an online event on 15 March and the exhibition in our bespoke gallery-turned-barn in summer. Printmaker‘s Day traditionally is on 15 March. This is the day on which, in the year 2018, artistic printmaking techniques, like relief printing, letterpress and many …

Gallery-in-Barn 25-28 August

Dessert for Printmaker‘s Day 2022 at The Fork and Broom Press will be served from 25 – 28 August in the barn next to the studio in Oppenwehe.There will be a pop-up gallery in the old barn showcasing the brandnew artwork and a special „director‘s choice“ from the backlist. Our old barn has been the location for readings celebrating the …

Journey/wo/man in letterpress 2023

The scheme to train in the craft of letterpress and how to work with metal type as a jounreywoman or journeyman. 20 letterpress places to choose from in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Call for participants:Dead line for your application for season 2023 is 1 October 2022 – details and application: Verein für die Schwarze Kunst.