My husband and I continue to travel to Heiner Buser for casting our own type on his Monotype machines. Additionally there is more used metal type coming in, amongst it Reporter, a brush stroke style, Amati and more of Mistral. The latter counts as a script-and-brush style and is rather special. The lower case specimens are tricky to identify. The …
„Giving Diversity a Home!“ is the motto of a new series of small-size books and prints published in limited editions. All are printed letterpress with original prints e. g. linocuts. Every book title is a portrait of one species of either plant or animal, and aimes to help establish a „forever home“ for the respective species in our gardens. Some …
„Giving Diversity a Home!“ is the motto of a new series of small-size books and prints published in limited editions. All are printed letterpress with original prints e. g. linocuts. Every book title is a portrait of one species of either plant or animal, and aimes to help establish a „forever home“ for the respective species in our gardens. Some …
„Giving Diversity a Home!“ is the motto of a new series of small-size books and prints published in limited editions. All are printed letterpress with original prints e. g. linocuts. Every book title is a portrait of one species of either plant or animal, and aimes to help establish a „forever home“ for the respective species in our gardens. Some …
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was an US-American author and one of the so-called „Fireside Poets“ located in New England. They were very popular writers in their time with people tending to read them by the fireside, hence the name of the group. The writers were, apart from Longfellow, William Cullen Bryant, John Greenleaf Whittier, James Russel Lowell and Oliver Wendell Holmes …