The jubilee exhibition “25 Years of Printmaking” has been open from 21 to 23 June. Articles were in both our regional newspapers, and the newspaper in the former location of the studio, in the region of Göppingen, printed an article about what has become of good old studio bleiklötzle after it has moved north and got renamed to what is …
In April Sabine comes to stay as a journey-woman for letterpress. It is her second placement and she will stay for a whole week. As for her project, she has planned a concertina brochure. As of 2019 the studio is on the list of places where young people can go to spend some of their journeman-time working with metal type …
In early February the temperature all of a sudden plummets to minus 17 Celsius, totally out of character for the region where we live. The strong gusts sweep the snow off the roofs and pile it on top of what is on the ground already. We are snowed in. For one or two days there is hardly any traffic on …
There is a basic difference in the nature of the artist‘s book and the product of a publishing house. The product of the publisher will present a text, there might be an introduction, a commentary, a preface, an epilogue. The artist‘s book differs from that fundamentally. It is born from an idea. This is the seed from which the concept …
After hibernation the windmill will be open to the public for the first time in 2023 on 23 April. There will be guided tours around the mill and the surrounding historic buildings with live-music and an arts&crafts exhibition. Meals and beverages will be available. The Fork and Broom Press will be there with an interesting selection of works. Save the …
You can now find a digitized version of the original linoprint for the millprint challenge below for download. This is to give all those of you, who could not come to pull their personal print during the Wayzgoose, the opportunity to take part and create their own contribution. This need not be a digital version, the file will allow to …
For larger images and background information go to the blogpost “Millprint Challenge 2022: The Images”
In 2016 we moved in at the old farm in Oppenwehe which has a barn attached at one end, built for storage purposes such as keeping straw or hay in there, or storing rutabaga or suede and potatoes for the pigs. It took us years to remove all the old stuff and fill the cellar with sand – you can follow a …
The task:Pull a print from a linoblock on a 70 year old proof press and hand colour it afterwards:Ink the block in black with a handroller and then print it. Take the print home, let it dry and complete the print by adding colour using watercolour, gouache, acrylic, coloured ink, pastels, chalk – whatever you prefer, have at hand or feel …