Start-of-the-Season at Eilhausen King’s Mill
After hibernation the windmill will be open to the public for the first time in 2023 on 23 April.
There will be guided tours around the mill and the surrounding historic buildings with live-music and an arts&crafts exhibition. Meals and beverages will be available.
The Fork and Broom Press will be there with an interesting selection of works.
Save the date: Sunday 23 April 2023 – open 11:30am to 5:30pm
The mill is one of 12 that are part of the Millprints series, a series of linocuts I made in 2021 and 2022.
This windmill is special in many ways, the most surprising might be that it got an unusual upgrade some 150 years after being built. It is one of the very old mills in the region, built around 1721 with a slender tower made from sandstone. In 1872 the top was taken down to add one storey – made of bricks thus easily spotted – and make the mill higher to catch more wind. This resulted in the need for a gallery, which is made of wood, to fix the sails to the mill‘s wings.