Gallery-in-Barn 1 + 2 July

As part of Culture Weeks 2023 on LandArt-Rout 5 the gallery will be open on 1 and 2 July in the bespsoke old barn at the studio. Also: visitors will be given the opportunity to pull their own print on the old 1952-printing press.
A number of new work is being presented:
The labels for homemade delicacies:
I still have a good stock of gummed paper. This traditional material has been used for labels of all sorts for ages. It is what classic stamps haven been made of: it will stick to glass or other surfaces simply by being moistened. The good thing: the glue is made on the basis of gum arab and will come off after use just by moistening again. These are labels without any plastic or artificial glues. They are printed 100% letterpress from metal type, on 100% paper and designed in a vintage style. There will be a choice of labels for jam, marmelade, jelly, chutney, ketchup, mustard, liquids and with Christmas designs.
First works in the new series „Giving Diversity a Home“
Over the years this new series will build a collection of books and prints about diversity in our gardens. Each booklet will portrait one species and tell how it can be established in our gardens. Recipies will be included for making good use of the harvest from fruit trees or vegetables. The first to be out will be: The Quince.

The brandnew artist‘s book
„Quod tibi hoc alteri“ is issue No 5 in the series MANARAH. This title is all about the Golden Rule or reciprocity. It follows both mankind‘s thoughts and practical handling of humaneness, or the basic concept of human dignity, chronologically over the millennia. Starting at 35.000 years before today, when the Cro-Magnon people left their awesome paintings on the walls of the caves near Chauvet and Lascaux, and reaches year zero, i. e. 2022, the year in which the war in Ukraine began. Among the writers quoted are Confucius, Seneca, Thomas Aquinas, Kant, Shakespeare, Albert Schweitzer and Carl von Ossietzky. All text is handset from metal type and printed letterpress. I made two lino etchings as illustrations, printed from the original blocks.
Plus: an extra exhibit of work made with lino-etching
I have been fascinated by this special technique early on and have been experimenting with it since 2006. I have used lino etching in prints, broadsides and artist‘s books and will present a selection of my work alongside the event.

The Gallery-in-Barn is open
Saturday 1 July 11am to 7pm
Sunday 2 July 11am to 5pm
at The Fork and Broom Press
Oppenweher Str. 9
D-32351 Stemwede-Oppenwehe
Find the complete program for Culture Weeks along LandArt-Route 5 at the special website