Manarah 1: A Divan of War

„Manarah“ is a term of Arabic origin. It means lighthouse or signpost. I have chosen this term for my series of magazine-like artist’s books. Each issue or volume in this series is meant to be a place shedding light in the sense that it offers orientation. Each issue covers one topic.
The topic of issue No 1 is „War“. It comprises eleven poems about experiences and thoughts in times of war. Partly the poems were written by soldiers who served on the frontline in WWI. Some of the poems date back to the 17th century.
The poems in this issue are by the following writers: Joseph von Eichendorff (1788-1857), Walter Ferl (1892-1915), Horst Habicht (*1960), Bret Harte (1839-1902), Walter Hasenclever (1890-1940), Johann Gottfried von Herder (1744-1803), Klabund (1890-1928), Edlef Köppen (1893-1939), Christian Morgenstern (1871-1914), William Shakespeare (1564-1616) and James Shirley (1596-1666).
All poems have been handset from metal type. Each text is designed individually using ornaments or borders. The following founts have been used: Forum, Schadow, Trajanus, Folio, Memphis, Fette Antiqua, Parlaments-Fraktur, Behrens-Antiqua, Futura, Trump-Mediäval.
The illustration used for the title is a lino-etching originally designed to accompany an anti-war poem by Matthias Claudius. It shows the souls bewailing their suffering and losses during war.

Manarah 1 „A Divan of War“ . Size 24x32cm, 12 pages + cover. Pamphlet stitch with black linen thread. Printed on „Pfeil&Bogen“ 250gms using a cylinder proofing press (KORREX). All poems in their original language (either German or English). Title printed from the original linoblock. Choice of poems, typography, design, linocut, printing and binding by Annette C. Dißlin. Limited edition of 15 numbered and signed copies. Published in 2011.
Price Euro 38.00 plus p&p
Price for set of issues 1+2+3 Euro 100.00 plus p&p
Price for set of issues 1+2+3+4 Euro 145.00 plus p&p
Orders & info via email
The background story how this series of artist’s books and its first three issues came into being is told in an earlier blogpost „Manarah: The first three issues“ from 1 July 2019 which can be found in the category „Artist’s books“.
[…] Manarah 1: A Divan of War, artist’s book, letterpress, with lino etching […]