Manarah 3: A Divan of Love
„Manarah“ is a term of Arabic origin. It means lighthouse or signpost. I have chosen this term for my series of magazine-like artist’s books. Each issue or volume in this series is meant to be a place shedding light in the sense that it offers orientation. Each issue covers one topic.
Issue 3 is all about Love. It comes with 13 poems by 11 writers:
Otto Julius Bierbaum (1865-1910), Joseph von Eichendorff (1788-1857), Heinrich Heine (1797-1856), two poems by Thomas Hood (1799-1845), Detlev von Liliencron (1844-1909), John Boyle O’Reilly (1844-1890), two poems by Friedrich Rückert (1789-1866), Albert von Schlippenbach (1800-1886), James Thomson (1834-1882), John Todhunter (1839-1916) and Ludwig Uhland (1787-1862). Next to the poem by Jospeh von Eichendorff is a linoprint-portrait of him.
All poems have been handset from metal type, and designed individually using borders and ornaments. Founts used are: Titula, Rhapsodie, Schadow, Bernhard-Schönschrift, Bürgerschaftsfraktur, Quick, Legende, Parlamentsfraktur, Liturgisch, Trump mediäval kursiv, Straßburg, Diskus, Trajanus, Stahl.
The title illustration is a lino-etching. It shows a number architectural structures that are shedding light into darkness, amongst them lighthouses and houses of prayer with various kinds of spires.
Manarah 3: A Divan of Love. Size 24x32cm. 16 pages + cover. Pamphlet stich with red linen thread. Printed on „Pfeil&Bogen“ 250gms using a cylinder proofing press (KORREX). All poems in their original language (either German or English). With two lino-etchings: title and portrait of Joseph von Eichendorff printed from the original linoblocks. Choice of poems, typography, design, lino-etchings, printing and binding all by Annette C. Dißlin. Limited edition of 24 numbered and signed copies. Published in 2011.
Price Euro 46.00 plus p&p
Price for set of issues 1+2+3 Euro 100.00 plus p&p
Price for set of issues 1+2+3+4 Euro 145.00 plus p&p
Orders & info via email
The background story how this series of artist’s books and its first three issues came into being is told in an earlier blogpost „Manarah: The first three issues“ from 1 July 2019 which can be found in the category „Artist’s books“.