Printmaker’s Day 2022: buffet of starters

For the first course of the menu there is a rich choice of starters on our buffet here online. Some art work is hot off the press, some works from the backlist have become topical again by recent events.
The new artist‘s book was published in November 2021. The title is „nichts bleibt wie es war“ (nothing remains as it has been) and it comes in an edition of three numbered and signed copies. The book is all about change. It presents philosophical ideas from Heraclitus to Henri Bergson. It comes with ten colour linocuts showing windmills, which are located along the mill trail in Westphalia. In German.
Find this art work in the category „Artist‘s Books“

The mill prints are a series of colour linocuts showing selcted windmills along the mill trail in Westphalia. Some of the motifs are part of the new artist‘s book.
Find this art work in the category „Broadsides & Prints“

Part of the new artist‘s book is the story about goddess Mutanda. It is a tale about the quest for eternal power, about change and life. In addition of being part of the large book this story has been printed as a folded brochure on scarlet deckled edge paper. In German.
Find this art work in the category „Artist‘s Books“.

In the course of 2021 two broadsheets were made relating to the ongoing pandemic situation.
One is the poem „In Time of Pestilence“ written in 1592 by Thomas Nashe during the plague in London. This broadsheet is part of the portfolio of the deLuxe edition of Parenthesis 40, the journal of the Fine Press Book Association (UK). In English.
The second is the contribution to the Abecedarium project of the Oxford Guild of Printers. My coice was the letter Q and the printt resembles the yellow quarantine flag, or Yellow Jack, used to signal that a vessel is free of disease. In English.
Find both art works in the category „Broadsides & Prints“ the latter with the heading OGP Ephemera 2021

One more contribution to a collaboration was in the press during 2021: the print for „HitBox No 5“. Initiated and organized by Annegret Frauenlob the box comes with 10 prints – made by 10 printmaking artists – throwing the bridge between printmaking and music.
Find this art work in the category „Broadsheets & Prints“
On the occasion of the new war that started in Ukraine on 24 February three earlier works have become relevant again.

The broadside „Triptych for September 11“ with a colour woodcut came into being in the year 2001. In German.
In 2003, when the war in Irak began, the broadsheet „Die Schlacht“ was printed. It is the translation of the English folksong „Did You Like the Battle, Sir!“ Part of the edition was painted with earthen pigments prior to printing, another part was painted with earthen pigments after printing. Each version is a small edition of one-offs. In German.
Find this art work with the heading “24 February”
At last, in 2008 the poem „Kriegslied“ (Song of War) by Matthias Claudius war printed. It comes with a lino etching and is painted over with earthen pigments, making each broadside a one-off. In German.
Find all three of these art works in the category „Broadsides & Prints“.

The main course of Printmaker’s Day will be served on 1-3 April at the fair „BuchDruckKunst“ in the Museum der Arbeit in Hamburg-Barmbek. The fair opens as follows:
Friday 1 April 5 pm to 9 pm
Saturday 2 April 10 am to 6 pm
Sunday 3 April 10 am to 5 pm
You will find The Fork and Broom Press on the first floor easily accessed by lift or stairs.

Keep in mind: the dessert will be served at the studio‘s premises in Oppenwehe in summer. Details will follow – stay tuned.