The Handmade Item

A long time ago, when machines did not yet exist, all things were handmade: pots, shoes, furniture, books, tools. All this was made by hand, manu-factured in the true sense of the word, there was no other way. If all those things were to be made to do the job, they were supposed to do, properly, these things needed to …

25 Years of Printmaking

I have been working in my own printmaking studio for 25 years now, and this is a pretty good reason to celebrate. You are cordially invited to timetravel with me, to join in on the journey from the very first days in my studio to the here and now. There‘ll be stories of type hunting, experiences with learning by doing …

Podcast „Craft meets Culture“

„Crafts meets Culture“ is a joined projekt of the districts of Herford and Minden-Lübbecke – sponsored by Northrhine-Westphalia. Cultural coordinators currently are Niklas Bengtsson (for Herford) and Daniela Daus (für Minden-Lübbecke). Contributions and details can be found on the respective website at: One main topic within this project currently is why and how joung people take up old crafts. …

Journey/wo/man in letterpress 2023

The scheme to train in the craft of letterpress and how to work with metal type as a jounreywoman or journeyman. 20 letterpress places to choose from in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Call for participants:Dead line for your application for season 2023 is 1 October 2022 – details and application: Verein für die Schwarze Kunst.