The Studio in 2013

We have started house hunting. In the years to come we will visit what feels like to be countless old pubs, former workplaces of carpenters or other trades and farmhouses. We will learn about how houses were built here, the region of Westphalia and Münsterland, which is so different to where we have been living so far, in southwest Germany. …

The Studio in 2008

The ice age cave paintings give evidence that for thousands of years man has known that one can paint with earth. At university I was studying soil science. When we had field courses we would paint the colours of the horizons in the soils with a sample of that exact soil itself and writing explanatory notes beside them. The shades …

The Studio in 2003

Over the summer I meet Karl Kretschmer in Mosbach. He is moving his printing office and sells off leftover paper stock. I choose a few very nice qualities that will come in handy for a number of print projects in the course of the coming years. After all is loaded Karl states there is still space in the car boot …

Kriegslied (Song of War)

BroadsheetText: poem „Kriegslied“Author: Matthias Claudius (1740-1815)Illustration: lino etching painted over with earthen pigmentsArtist: Annette C. DisslinMetal type: Semper-AntiquaPaper: deckled edge paperSize: 26x64cmYear: 2008Edition: 22 one-offs “It is war! It is war!And I wish forit please be not my fault.” More art work of similar context: Graf Mirabeau – On religious tolerance (2003) – artist‘s book – sold outDid you like …