Every other year in January Norddeutsche Handpressenmesse, a well established book arts fair, is held over one weekend. It is organized by Heinz-Stefan and Wiebke Bartkowiak, who also publish Bartkowiaks ForumBookArt, a review and yearbook of contemporary book arts. This is my first year as an exhibitor at the fair which is held at the Museum der Arbeit with its …
Wind is an almost constant force in the place we moved to in 2016. Sometimes it is just a soft breeze, sometimes it is gale force gusts. It will blow roses and hyrangeas and young climbinf beans to pieces at times and make rain drift past the windows almost horizontally. It will make itself heard when howling around the corners of the old brick farmhouse. During …
Rainer Maria Rilke was born in Prague in 1875. He traveled a lot throughout Europe and settled in Switzerland, where he died in 1926 of Leukemia. He’s been writing in German both novels and poems. His language is powerful and he is perceived as mystical. He met Leo Tolstoi, Paula Modersohn-Becker and was married to the sculptor Clara Westhoff. I printed …