Mill-Print Challenge 2022: The Images

The task:
Pull a print from a linoblock on a 70 year old proof press and hand colour it afterwards:
Ink the block in black with a handroller and then print it. 
Take the print home, let it dry and complete the print by adding colour using watercolour, gouache, acrylic, coloured ink, pastels, chalk – whatever you prefer, have at hand or feel fit using. Other techniques, like e. g. collage or overprinting, are possible as well. Let your creativity flow!
The contribution can be made by a single person or a team.
Take a photo of the completed artwork.
Send the image in an email stating the name or names of everybody who contributed to the work.

The Simmel proof press built in 1952 on which the prints were pulled.

The background:
In 2021 and 2022 the millprint series was printed at The Fork and Broom Press. All 12 mills come as colour linoprints, printed using up to six different linoblocks. The linoblock used for the mill-print-challenge is a block designed to be printed in black only and shows a 13th windmill. Like in the early days of letterpress printing when there were no colour inks, the print needs to be coloured by hand after the ink has dried. For more details on the millprint series please see the respective posts on this blog.

Windmill Hille-Hartum – the print that has to be hand-colored.

The mill printed:
The windmill is located in Hille-Hartum. It was built on a mound in 1877 with a tower made from sandstone broken nearby at Bergkirchen. As of 1564 there was a post mill in this location, which needed to be replaced. The mill is special in that instead of the old mound at one point a wall made from the same sandstone as the mill‘s tower was put in place. Add to this there is an inscription inside the mill, carved in the stone, saying „The Lord‘s mills might grind slowly, but their grinding is splendidly fine, what He misses out on because of His forbearance, He will make up for with sharpness again.“
For the print this sentence was hand set from metal type Olympia and was printed on every sheet prior to the date of the challenge.
The paper used is Lönneberga Grön 150gsm produced by Lessebo from recycled material and with 100% renewable energy.

The collection of images:
A first suggestion as deadline for sending in images is 30 September 2022. However. People have pulled prints for friends and family who could not come for the challenge, some even living abroad. With those prints having to be send around there might be a slight delay for photos to trickle back.
Being curious people and very much looking forward to having as many images of the Hartum-mill as possible on this page, we‘ll welcome any image of a finished work, even if they come later than end of September.
Images will be added to this post in the order they arrive.

Renate Helm
Clemens Kehlbeck
Martina Kehlbeck
Salma Sperber
Pjotr Podsol
Marianne Midelburg (Australia), mixed media with gold leaf
Holly Ho – collage with water colour
Ernie Althoff (Australia), mixed media with metal brooches
Ernie Althoff (Australia), digital
Nana Numida, Collage with fabric
Matilda Marmor (Austria), digital
Joe Ashford (Canada), digitally windswept
Markus-Willi Franz
Lizzie Ticklebotham (UK), digital
Percival Albertus (UK, Scotland), digital
Gwen Gaillardia, Collage
Quentin Quocka, Collage
Lotte von Stemfedelingen, digital
Sue Kimpton (Australia), digital, “The Mill in Twilight”
Clodia Vulvianus (Italy), digital
Lidia Glitman
Gustav Gesenhues
Lore Gesenhues