In the years of my childhood and youth I just loved trains. When I was little we lived in Aachen and I insisted to go and see the steam trains. On Sundays we‘d head for the station and watch the powerful locomotives do their work, reversing out – it was a terminal station. When I was 5, I asked Santa …
Wayzgoose with pop-up gallery in the old barnThursday 25 to Saturday 27 August open 3pm to 7pmSunday 28 August open 11am to 4pm There will be the Fork-and-Broom-Mill-Print-Challenge open to all on all four days during opening hours. Find more about this in the respective post in the category “Printmaker’s Day”
There is a new member of staff at The Fork and Broom Press that needs to be given a proper welcome: a 70 year old printing press built at famous Simmel factory in Pforzheim, where all the KORREX proof presses were produced. It was sitting in the former printroom at a school in the town I used to live as …
Dessert for Printmaker‘s Day 2022 at The Fork and Broom Press will be served from 25 – 28 August in the barn next to the studio in Oppenwehe.There will be a pop-up gallery in the old barn showcasing the brandnew artwork and a special „director‘s choice“ from the backlist. Our old barn has been the location for readings celebrating the …