The Studio in 2014

On my daily commute to the studio I pass by a tree high on a bank by the side of the road. It is an old fruit tree its crown almost at a right angle to the trunk. As if weighed down by hardship over a long period of time. This tree is a landmark and has its very own special spell on me. It portraits a fascinating character in all seasons, and over the years I have taken photos of it in all weather conditions. This tree is the very image that I use for the bonus photograph with the special edition of the artist‘s book 52Weeks. On 22 February I take the data to have the images printed. The night before the tree broke off entirely, and quite obviously there is now something important missing, but this effect might only be perceived by me.

Famous Bristol suspension bridge (UK)

A phone call informs us of a house that needs to be cleared with still some metal type and one printing press in the basement. The metal type is Wilhelm Klingspor and those cases move over to my studio, the press finds itself another place.

When I am exhibiting at Whittington Day in the Cotswolds in the autumn, my husband and I take a detour to Bristol. We pay a visit to Sarah Bodman at the Centre of Print Research at the University of the West of England. She coordinates events connected to the al-Mutanabbi-Street projects in Europe, publishes the Artist‘s Book Yearbook every other year and puts together the BookArtsNewsLetter every six weeks. She shows us around the printroom at the university and then suggests we have a look at the famous Bristol suspension bridge. It is a stunning construction over a breathtakingly steep gorge.

“Escaping the Embers”, broadside, lino etching, linocut, earthen pigments prior to printing, letterpress – contribution for “Absence and Presence”

„Absence and Presence“ is the third of the series of international al-Mutanabbi-Street arts projects. My contribution will be the broadside „Escaping the Embers“. All sheets are individually painted with earthen pigments prior to printing, plus there will be linocut, lino etching and printing from metal type. Colours resemble a blazing fire and swirls of ash. The image is a butterfly only just escaping the flames, and written on its wings are scriptures of all cultures, as the symbol of the inexhaustible abundance of ideas and knowledge of mankind, that will not be ultimately lost. For the butterfly hands over ideas and knowledge to readers, within which they will grow and mature and from there, spread as new knowledge and fresh ideas. On the bottom of the sheet is a list of what looks like code numbers. These are the GPS data references of libraries burnt and destroyed over the centuries.

In Matrix 32, the yearbook for contemporary fine press printing and book arts, an essay on my book about Tucholsky „Mir fehlt ein Wort“ (I am lacking a word) is published. The editor, John Randle, saw the work at Hamburg bookfair and was extremely impressed. We agreed that I print a special insert in the style of the prints in the artist‘s book to go with the article.


Woods in Winter, artist’s book with poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, two woodcuts

Briefly noted:

Exhibiting at Leipzig Bookfair

Exhibiting at juried bookfair TurnThePage, Norwich (UK)

Exhibiting at Whittington Day, Whittington Press, UK

I cannot avoid it any longer: I need reading glasses.

Published in 2014:

Escaping the Embers“, broadside, earthen pigments, linocut, lino etching, letterpress

52 Weeks“, artist‘s book, photographs, one book consists of four volumes

Woods in Winter“, artist‘s book, poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, with two woodcuts

Meine Worte fallen wie Steine“, artist‘s book, experimental Japanese binding

Meine Worte fallen wie Steine, Artist’s book, experimental Japanese binding


Whittington Day at Whittington Press

Leipzig Bookfair

Book Arts Newsletter (BANL) at UWE, Bristol


To be continued on 20 May 2024


  1. Hello Annette, Yes …. that tree is (was) really stunning. There are trees that almost “talk to us.” That tree up on the embankment “spoke” to you. Lovely blog posting.

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