Gallery-in-Barn 21 + 22 October 2023

The gallery is back in the barn for presenting the brand new volumes in the series „Giving Diversity a Home!“ hot off the press. This event marks the end of the barn-season, so to speak, with the printing press located in the barn going into hibernation mode soon after. There might be even more to find than the new books, …

Manarah 5: Quod tibi hoc alteri

This artist‘s book takes us on a time travel. It is about how we think about humaneness and how we handle it in real. The journey starts 35.000 years ago, when the first genuine humans, of the species Homo sapiens, are found to live in Europe. These are called Cro-Magnon people, and it is them, who painted those awesome pictures …

Journeywoman Almuth at The Fork and Broom Press

Almuth Koch has been staying as a journey woman for a stretch of two weeks. It was the third placement on her journey. The idea was to produce a series of small pamphlet stitch brochures each coming with one poem and a linocut. All would be the same size but the pages inside woud be different kinds of foldings, and …

Giving Diversity a Home: The Quince

„Giving Diversity a Home!“ is the motto of a new series of small-size books and prints published in limited editions. All are printed letterpress with original prints e. g. linocuts. Every book title is a portrait of one species of either plant or animal, and aimes to help establish a „forever home“ for the respective species in our gardens. Some …

Gallery-in-Barn 1 + 2 July

As part of Culture Weeks 2023 on LandArt-Rout 5 the gallery will be open on 1 and 2 July in the bespsoke old barn at the studio. Also: visitors will be given the opportunity to pull their own print on the old 1952-printing press. A number of new work is being presented: The labels for homemade delicacies: I still have …

Printmaker‘s Day 15 March 2023

Welcome to Printmaker‘s Day at The Fork and Broom Press! This year Printmaker‘s Day at The Fork and Broom Press will come in two parts: Part 1 introduces new work and new themes online on this webspace – here&now. Part 2 comes as an exhibition in our bespoke gallery-in-barn just next to the studio in Oppenwehe on 1 + 2 …

Printmaker’s Day 2023

At The Fork and Broom Press there will be two events related to Printmaker‘s Day this year. We‘ll have an online event on 15 March and the exhibition in our bespoke gallery-turned-barn in summer. Printmaker‘s Day traditionally is on 15 March. This is the day on which, in the year 2018, artistic printmaking techniques, like relief printing, letterpress and many …

A Bespoke Gallery Space: our Barn

In 2016 we moved in at the old farm in Oppenwehe which has a barn attached at one end, built for storage purposes such as keeping straw or hay in there, or storing rutabaga or suede and potatoes for the pigs. It took us years to remove all the old stuff and fill the cellar with sand – you can follow a …

Mill-Print Challenge 2022: The Images

The task:Pull a print from a linoblock on a 70 year old proof press and hand colour it afterwards:Ink the block in black with a handroller and then print it. Take the print home, let it dry and complete the print by adding colour using watercolour, gouache, acrylic, coloured ink, pastels, chalk – whatever you prefer, have at hand or feel …

The Mill-Print-Challenge at The Fork and Broom Press 25-28 August

There is a new member of staff at The Fork and Broom Press that needs to be given a proper welcome: a 70 year old printing press built at famous Simmel factory in Pforzheim, where all the KORREX proof presses were produced. It was sitting in the former printroom at a school in the town I used to live as …